April 27, 2009

Monday, monday...

Monday - "day of the moon" - has a similar meaning in many languages, but some of them prefer to eschew the pagan origin of the word. This is the case in chinese, 星期一 (xingqi yi), meaning "day one of the week". Also in Georgian, Greek and Syriac means "first day". For similar reasons the official liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church refers to Monday as "Feria II". The Portuguese name for Monday reflects this - the Portuguese word for Monday is segunda-feira. The Russian word for Monday is понедельник (poniediélnik), meaning "after holiday." In Hungarian (hétfő) means "head of seven"

As I don't do Mondays - even if I had a quite weekend - eitheir because of the metaphoric sense of the moon or the post-holiday role, doesn't matter...

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