November 26, 2008

Brazilian Media

Comments on an article published in The Economist.

Media and Power are tightly together since ever. The beginning of human communication through artificial channels taught to the first Hominidae the ability to control the environment around them - including the behavior of other people - throught what they manifested. Historically speaking, the use of power need not involve coercion (force or the threat of force). In a nicer word, "influence". The militaries learned well this, and they largely used it.

Nowadays, the internet is arguably one of the most effective tools in media for communication today, and supposedly more democratic. It has brought people closer together and created new online communities, mo matter race, color or creed. However, this popularisation also created a invasion of amateurs to the real world - a doubtful source of supposed information.

In a large consumer-driven society, electronic media and printed media is just another product, and as such, they have to make their propaganda. Once they went this way, they can't step back anymore, as the predators will want more and more, and only news are not always so interesting or entertainment as they wish.

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